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There will be no in-person appointments at this time and the office is closed to the public. Should you have documents for service we ask that you email or mail them to our office. Alternatively, if you are located in Saskatoon or Regina we can pick up documents for a pick-up fee of $10.00. Please call 306.260.9861 to make arrangements.

Prairie Process Serving is a Saskatchewan based company specializing in process serving and is committed to providing you with all of your process serving needs throughout the Province.

We currently have process servers located in the following cities/towns:

  • Saskatoon
  • Regina
  • Prince Albert
  • Asquith
  • Battleford
  • Swift Current
  • Kindersley
  • Estevan
  • Yorkton
  • Moose Jaw

We are continuously seeking out process servers, so please feel free to email our office at any time for an updated process serving list! Should you need to courier documents please call or email us for an alternative address.

Bright office with wooden clock on the wall.
A side table made out of wood, two shelves, both holding a few books.

Meet the Team at PPS!

PPS has a wide range of experience with respect to legal proceedings in Saskatchewan and in what manner documents need to be served under the rules of The Courts. Kelly Pegg (Owner and Founder of PPS) has been in the legal industry for nearly 10 years and has an extensive background in process serving, debt collection and foreclosure proceedings. Kelly has further experience in many other different areas of law such as, family, general litigation, real estate, corporate and wills and estates. This is greatly beneficial when it comes to analyzing what the client needs.

All of the process servers with Prairie Process Serving are vetted and have a wide range of experience. We have servers who are legal assistants, retired RCMP officers or correctional officers (to name a few). At PPS we always ensure to hire process servers who have a background to some degree related to the legal industry. All of our process servers are screened before being hired and are required to provide us with a clean criminal record check. We also provide in person training and have a policy manual for our process servers to ensure optimal results.

Our team can provide you with all your process serving needs, simply email us for a quote today!

Feel Safe and Trusted when Choosing PPS

At PPS we ensure to keep your information and your clients information protected at all times. We shred all physical documents after an appropriate amount of time has passed and we delete our emails regularly.

Services That We Offer:

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Process Serving

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Litigation searches

(Saskatchewan Personal Property Registration [SPPR], Judgment, Court Action, Corporate Registry and Land Title Searches)

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Assistance with surrogacy matters (for law firms)

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Notary Public services